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Number Description Action Date Disposition
Ord. 24-002 Adds §§ 4.20.018(D), 4.20.019, 4.30.075, 4.60.120(C) and Ch. 4.160; amends §§ 4.05.005, 4.05.010, 4.05.020(D), 4.05.030, 4.05.040(B), 4.05.050(A), 4.10.005, 4.10.010, 4.10.020(A), 4.10.030(B), 4.10.040, 4.10.050, 4.10.060, 4.15.005, 4.15.010, 4.15.020, 4.15.040, 4.15.050, 4.15.070, 4.15.080, 4.20.020(C), 4.20.030(B), 4.30.007, 4.30.010(A) and (C), 4.30.020, 4.30.040, 4.30.060, 4.30.070, 4.30.080, 4.30.090(B), 4.30.100(B) and (E)(3), 4.30.130, 4.30.140(C) and (D), 4.30.160, 4.40.005, 4.40.020, 4.50.020, 4.50.030, 4.50.050, 4.50.060, 4.50.090, 4.50.110, 4.60.005, 4.60.010, 4.60.060, 4.60.090, 4.60.100, 4.60.150, 4.70.005, 4.70.010(B) and (F), 4.70.020, 4.80.005, 4.90.005, 4.90.010, 4.90.020, 4.90.030, 4.90.040, 4.90.050(A)(2), 4.100.005, 4.100.010, 4.100.020, 4.100.040, 4.100.050(A) and (D), 4.100.060, 4.100.070 and Chs. 4.110 and 4.140; repeals §§ 4.40.010, 4.50.040 and Chs. 4.120 and 4.130, personnel 4/23/2024 Codified
Ord. 24-001 Adds §§ 17.08.212, 17.08.214, 17.18.020 and 17.18.021; amends §§ 17.08.032, 17.08.217, 17.08.380, 17.20.020, 17.20.030, 17.24.020, 17.24.030, 17.26.020, 17.26.030, 17.27.020, 17.27.030, 17.28.020, 17.52.020, 17.52.040, 17.54.020 and 17.54.030; repeals §§ 17.08.113, 17.08.339 [17.08.399], 17.08.424 and 17.52.030, zoning 1/23/2024 Codified
Ord. 23-004-A Submits ballot proposition confirming amendment by Ord. 22-007 to § 3.12.032, residential real property exemption 7/25/2023 Special
Ord. 23-003 Expands zoning designation for Tract 5, Cedar Hills Unit No. 2, Phase 1 7/25/2023 Special
Ord. 23-002 Public library general obligation bonds proposition 7/11/2023 Special
Ord. 23-001 Rezone 4/11/2023 Special
Ord. 22-008 Adopts new official zoning districts map; supersedes Ord. 17-015 10/11/2022 Special
Ord. 22-007 Amends § 3.12.032, residential real property tax exemption 9/27/2022 Codified
Ord. 22-006 Adds §§ 17.08.256, 17.08.266 and 17.08.268; amends §§ 17.08.260, 17.28.020 and 17.60.055; repeals §§ 15.08.3103 and 17.08.398, zoning 9/13/2022 Codified
Ord. 22-005 Rezone 8/23/2022 Special
Ord. 22-004 Adds §§ 2.04.031(c) and 2.05.020(c), eligibility of council members and mayor Defeated
Ord. 22-003 Adds § 4.30.070(D), leave 6/28/2022 Codified
Ord. 22-002 Rezone 4/12/2022 Special
Ord. 22-001 Adds Ch. 12.30, recreational facilities and outdoor facilities donation/memorial policy 2/22/2022 Codified
Ord. 21-020 Amends §§ 3.16.020, 3.16.033, 3.16.040, 3.16.080 and 3.16.081, sales tax 11/23/2021 Codified
Ord. 21-019 Amends §§ 2.04.080(A), 2.20.080(B), 2.22.080(B), 2.25.080(B) and 2.30.080(B), meetings 11/23/2021 Codified
Ord. 21-018 Amends § 2.04.065, council appointments 10/26/2021 Codified
Ord. 21-017 Amends § 4.15.060, city officer residency requirements 10/26/2021 Codified
Ord. 21-016 Rezone 9/28/2021 Special
Ord. 21-015 Pending
Ord. 21-014 Rezone 7/27/2021 Special
Ord. 21-013 Tabled indefinitely
Ord. 21-012 Amends § 12.08.015, municipal airport 7/13/2021 Codified
Ord. 21-011 Amends § 3.16.050(A), sales tax 7/13/2021 Codified
Ord. 21-010 Amends §§ 17.86.030 and 17.86.040(H), accessory dwelling units 7/13/2021 Codified